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Name Marnie Kasinskas
Credentials PTA / Physical Therapist Assistant
Clinic address
9325 Upland Lane North Maple Grove, MN 55369
Clinic phone number
(763) 315-0466
Call (763) 315-0466 to book!
About Marnie Kasinskas
Marnie Kasinskas received her AAS as a PTA from Lake Superior College in Duluth, MN. Marnie is a provider who finds rewards in all of her work. She excels at listening to patients and providing care in a patient directed manner both physically and mentally. Marnie is especially interested in working with people to get to the root of their chronic pain, keeping in mind the whole person, mind, body and soul. She enjoys working on any problem area all the way from the neck, to the lower back to the hips. She has treated patients from all demographics, from pediatrics to the geriatric population.