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Name Jonathan (Yoni) Levy

Credentials PT / Physical Therapist, DPT / Doctor of Physical Therapy
Clinic address 116 East 16th St., 3rd Fl, New York, NY 10003 Clinic phone number (212) 897-2868 Book With Jonathan

About Jonathan (Yoni) Levy

Jonathan (Yoni) has been a lifelong advocate for health and wellness. His career began in 2012 after graduating with a B.A. in Human Development and becoming a certified personal trainer. He then decided to further his learning about movement and rehabilitation and by pursuing PT school. Yoni received his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Touro College and graduated with Honors in Academic Excellence.

Yoni is passionate about helping people achieve their goals and not only return to their prior level of function, but further advance their physical abilities. One of his main specialties of interest is in working in orthopedics and sports rehabilitation. Another primary area of interest is in working with individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, and as such has received his LSVT BIG certification.

Outside of the clinic, Yoni can be found in the great outdoors, camping, hiking, and kayaking. He has also traveled extensively throughout the world fulfilling his passion to hike and photograph wildlife in remote areas.