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Name Brittney Ravettine

Credentials PT / Physical Therapist, DPT / Doctor of Physical Therapy
Clinic address 116 East 16th St, 3rd Fl, New York, NY 10003 Clinic phone number (212) 897-2868 Book With Brittney

About Brittney Ravettine

Brittney Ravettine is a physical therapist with experience in implementing the effective combination of hands-on manual skills and individualized therapeutic exercise. Brittney’s passion is to help patients reach the rehabilitative goals, spending time getting to know and understand the motivation behind each and every person she works with. Over the course of her career, Brittney has treated amateur through professional athletes. She acquired extensive training in the treatment of professional baseball players through an internship as an on-staff physical therapist with a Major League Baseball team during their spring training season. Additionally, Brittney has treated competitive wheelchair athletes in multiple sports. Having rehabilitated athletes during their most rigorous training periods, Brittney understands that preventing future injury is as important as returning from injury and shares that message with her patients Brittney received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Columbia University Medical Center, with a specialization in orthopedic rehabilitation. She also obtained a Certificate of Achievement in Vestibular Rehabilitation, earned from leading specialists in the field. This knowledge base allows Brittney to achieve greater patient recovery by treating each individual patient from every possible angle. It has also helped her safely implement return-from-concussion programs with athletes. Brittney enjoys and understands the physical challenges and benefits of sports. During her personal time, Brittney enjoys soccer, softball, snow boarding, kettlebell training, biking, swimming, water polo and basketball.