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Name Ashley Houck

Credentials PT / Physical Therapist, DPT / Doctor of Physical Therapy
Clinic address 200 W 57th St., Suite 702, New York, NY 10019 Clinic phone number (212) 245-5500 Book With Ashley

About Ashley Houck

As a lifelong member of the performing arts community, Ashley Houck, PT, DPT (she/her) specializes in dance movement and those with scoliosis. She has treated clients backstage for numerous Broadway shows, dance companies, and musicians. In pursuit of her interest in scoliosis treatments, Ashley received specialized training from the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School, which she now applies when working with individuals to achieve their best 3D posture.

Ashley is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Touro College School of Health Sciences where she was awarded the Maimonides Award for demonstrating the highest professional ideals of a healthcare professional. In her practice, she fosters a safe, inclusive, and transformative space for the folks she cares for and is a partner in her clients’ healing and wellness.