Physical Therapy
Orthology physical therapy services combine a wide variety of techniques designed to restore function, range of motion, flexibility, resolve injury, and alleviate pain. We believe that every individual possesses a degree of athleticism and are dedicated to helping people of all ages and abilities recover from pain, soft tissue and joint injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, and various other conditions. Successful treatments help our patients to move more, and to learn healthy habits that can help them live better.
Recognizing that no two injuries are the same, Orthology physical therapists use a holistic, person-centered approach to build the right plan specific to you. From the onset of your care, we’ll get to know you, teach you what we know, and begin building a robust, but time-efficient, exercise plan to guide your recovery. The methods our physical therapists use include a great variety of soft tissue and joint mobilizations, manual therapy, neuromuscular reeducation, and specialized therapeutic exercises.
In addition to traditional therapies and rehabilitation, we are dedicated to utilizing our real world application of our education. Many of our practitioners are sports enthusiasts and know what it feels like to be sidelined due to an injury. Our team comprises movement experts who are also avid marathon runners, soccer players, tennis pros, dancers, yoga enthusiasts, volleyball players, and weekend warriors. So we understand our patients’ needs and desired outcomes, because at times – we are the patient. We believe in the value of holistic individualized programs for patients so they can get back to the lifestyle and activity level that they enjoy. Our goal is to get you back to doing what you love to do. To move more and to live better.
Musculoskeletal Care
Most musculoskeletal injuries that are treated with physical therapy recover mobility, strength, and function than they had to begin with. Orthology physical therapists are adept at treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal injuries. We stay current with best practice standards and have a rigorous internal clinical training mechanism, known as the Orthology Approach. From hamstring pulls and ankle sprains to shoulder impingement and low back pain, we’ve got you covered. Orthology is also what’s known as a hands-on, or manual therapy, practice. Manual therapists use specialized hands-on techniques to limber tight joints, muscles, fascia, and other tissues, which in turn allows your body to move with fewer restrictions and very often with less pain.
Post-Operative Care
A good many musculoskeletal injuries can recover fully with the guidance of physical therapy alone, but for some injuries, surgery is the very best option. If this was the case for you and you’ve already had surgery, rest assured that post-operative rehabilitation is a mainstay of care delivery at Orthology. In addition to using best practice standards, we coordinate directly with your surgical team and incorporate the protocol specific to your procedure. As you heal, we work with you to gradually restore your mobility, strength, and function. If you are unsure whether or not you need surgery, give us a call or schedule an evaluation, we can help. If it turns out that you need a surgical opinion, Orthology works with industry leading surgeons from leading hospitals and will help you find the right match.
Sport Specific Care
Orthology physical therapists like to stay active and are adept at treating a range of sport injuries. Did you know that most sport injuries can recover fully with physical therapy? It’s true. In fact, a lot of sport injuries that are treated with physical therapy recover more mobility, strength, and function than they had to begin with. No one likes to sit out of their sport, we totally get it and we want to help. We stay current with best practice standards, assessment tools, and training techniques for different sports. Recognizing that no two sport injuries are the same and that one size does not fit all, Orthology physical therapists use a holistic, person-centered approach to build the right plan specific to you and your sport. As you recover your base mobility, strength, and function, your physical therapist will incorporate advanced drills, real-time biofeedback, and motor learning principles to prepare your body to safely reengage with your preferred sport.
Neurological Care
In addition to treating musculoskeletal injuries, Orthology clinicians are also able to help you recover from a range of neurological impairments. While not an acute or subacute facility, we are able to help you recover from chronic cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), or strokes, movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, vestibular dysfunction, chronic pain syndromes, and others. Our treatment philosophy is based in motor learning principles, which uses a combination of hands-on cueing, purposeful repetition, problem solving, and education, all of which facilitate recovery. Some of our clinics are even equipped with specialized spatiotemporal devices to help us better quantify your movement and set measurable goals. Treatment sessions are one-on-one with an expert clinician and our focus is on quality over quantity.
Performance Optimization
Did you know that the same team of physical therapists that helped you recover from your injury can also help you optimize your performance goals? That’s right, physical therapists are experts in the evaluation, analysis, and correction of dysfunctional movement biomechanics. Orthology uses a combination of hands-on testing, video analysis, and state of the art motion capture technology to build a personalized performance profile for patients looking to improve the efficiency of their movements. Each performance profile is divided into modifiable components that are correctable with manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, sport-specific advanced exercise, drills, and coaching. So whether you’ve just finished your rehabilitation or are uninjured, if your goal is to learn about optimizing your performance Orthology can help.
Our physical therapy approach includes the following service offerings and treatments:
- Cervicalgia
- Tension Headache
- Dizziness
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Shoulder Impingement
- Shoulder Labral Tear
- Multidirectional Instability
- Rotator Cuff Strain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfer’s Elbow
- Back Pain
- Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Hip Impingement
- Hip Labral Tear
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Tendinopathy/Tendonitis
- Meniscus Tear
- Ankle Sprain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Cervical Fusion
- Rotator Cuff Repair
- Shoulder Labral Repair
- Lumbar Fusion
- Hip Labral Repair
- Total Hip Arthroscopy
- Knee Ligament Reconstruction
- Meniscus Debridement
- Meniscus Repair
- Total Knee Arthroscopy
- Achilles’ Tendon Repair
- Ankle Ligament Repair
*Some services are available at select locations only. Contact your local Orthology to inquire*