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Name Sharon Pan

Credentials PT / Physical Therapist, DPT / Doctor of Physical Therapy
Clinic address 120 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10011 Clinic phone number (212) 320-9797 Book With Sharon

About Sharon Pan

Sharon supports the fundamental notion at Orthology – that each patient is unique, their pain personal, and care is customized to fit that individual’s needs. When put on the spot by the question “if a friend or family member had to describe you in one word, what would it be and why?” Sharon stepped up to the challenge—as she has in all her endeavors: “Adaptive. Having grown up overseas, attending school in both Asia and in the states, I’ve been exposed to many different cultures, beliefs and personalities. As a result, I’ve learned how to grow and adjust to a multitude of different situations.” A graduate of Massachusetts General Hospital, Institute of Health Professions, Sharon loves travelling, exercising, reading –and especially running. She knew from an early age that she wanted to work in the health related field, but it wasn’t until her college years that she really explored what she calls “the dynamic and ever-evolving field of physical therapy.” She embraces the challenge of making clinical decisions, the opportunity to help individuals change their lifestyle through movement and exercises, and working with patients through the entirety of their care—and ultimately, to enjoy long-term health!